Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pointed Pointlessness

When you think of childhood memories, you always think of the like the best ones, you know? Like the time you really wanted that bike for your birthday, and sure enough, you got it.

I was sitting here today and i thought of some of the stupidest childhood memories i had. I mean if i had kid who did this stuff,.......i'd fucking kill um.

I didnt know how to play baseball when i was a kid. i didnt care about it till i was much older. I knew how to hit though. For some reason that skill was carved into my brain when i was tike for no particular reason but to piss other people off. I didnt home runs, i hit line drives. This isnt bragging, it's foreshadowing. One day for no reason whatsoever, i stood facing my parents house and threw a ball in the air and hit at the house. My theory was that the house would make an excellent backstop i guess. Well, the ball went through a window. I'm a fucking retard.

Yeah i know, every guy has put a ball through a window, whatever, but, i did it almost fucking deliberately, if that makes any sense at all.

Family vacation, florida, had to be like 9 years old, ran away from the hotel, through 8 lanes of traffic and hid in a Bennigans parking lot. Why? My sister called me a "gaywad."

My parents were painting the windows in our living room and the took the handles off of um. They had been sitting there for like 2 days, i grabbed one and hid it. I dont fucking know why.

Don't get me wrong, everyone has bad childhood memories and i'm not saying mine was bad at all, i'm saying, these are the most pointless things i did as i kid. Fucking pointless. A lot like this post.

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