Friday, November 9, 2007

The Forgotten

A buddy and me were talking the other day and the subject of movie sequels came up. I was like, "you know, terminator 2 and aliens were pretty good but there is one movie that people seem to forget that kicks ass." After i told him we both agreed that it had to be one of the most overlooked sequels of all time.

The subject of gremlins kinda came up because i said children are a lot like mogwai's. Dont really want to feed um after midnight. They hate getting wet. And if you leave um in the sun, they are more suseptiable to cancer. Truth.

That's when i made this revelation: I've seen gremlins 2 about a 1000 more times than the actual gremlins movie. That movie pretty much rules.
Think about it. We had cross dressing gremlins, the electric gremlin, the super smart gremlin, the vegetable gremlin, the spider gremlin, the bat gremlin........ The first movie, had a gremlin with a mohawk. WOW.

Plus, that Clamp guy was friggin great. He designs a building that super freaking hi-tech. Lingering memory: "HEY MISTER, WELCOME TO THE MENS ROOM." gold.

I think i've seen that guy in like 10 other movies since then and he'll always be remembered as the guy who played Clamp in Gremlins 2. Like in that movie Payback, he was in it. I figured he just took a vacation from Clamp Enterprises for a while and decided to become a mob underling. Porter kills him. Oh well.

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