Though the death of Barry was a shock, Wayne continued with his childhood. Lanolin had many male suitors who all agreed, Wayne should definitely be in sports immediately. Basketball had immediately came to mind since Wayne was ahead of the curve in height and weight.
One day, one of Waynes several "uncles" took him to a near by basketball court for a pick up game. Wayne was only 8 months old at the time but his coordination and walking abilities were that of a 6 yr old.
Wayne and his "uncle" patiently waited for the game currently being played to be over and when it was, Wayne stood with the other children ready to begin what his "uncle" thought to be his assent into superstardom. Wayne was picked last out of the other children. Not because he wasn't intimidating, he was, but at the same time he was a truly odd sight. He was only wearing his t-shirt, running shoes, and a diaper.
The game was about to begin. One of the older kids told Wayne to stand down by the basket. Wayne blankly looked at the kid. The boy repeated himself. Wayne stood silently. The boy set the basketball down and walked over to the spot he wanted Wayne and pointed down. When he looked up, he saw a giggiling Wayne running away with the basketball. His "uncle" yelled for him to stop and bring the ball back but Wayne never stopped. In this distance you could hear Waynes first words.
"Poopie douche"
As Wayne was running, a black van pulled up next to him. The van accelerated and got in front of Wayne. Two asian men jumped out and threw Wayne in the van. He would spend the next 7yrs in an Asian sweatshop. Hating Asians everyday.
One day, one of Waynes several "uncles" took him to a near by basketball court for a pick up game. Wayne was only 8 months old at the time but his coordination and walking abilities were that of a 6 yr old.
Wayne and his "uncle" patiently waited for the game currently being played to be over and when it was, Wayne stood with the other children ready to begin what his "uncle" thought to be his assent into superstardom. Wayne was picked last out of the other children. Not because he wasn't intimidating, he was, but at the same time he was a truly odd sight. He was only wearing his t-shirt, running shoes, and a diaper.
The game was about to begin. One of the older kids told Wayne to stand down by the basket. Wayne blankly looked at the kid. The boy repeated himself. Wayne stood silently. The boy set the basketball down and walked over to the spot he wanted Wayne and pointed down. When he looked up, he saw a giggiling Wayne running away with the basketball. His "uncle" yelled for him to stop and bring the ball back but Wayne never stopped. In this distance you could hear Waynes first words.
"Poopie douche"
As Wayne was running, a black van pulled up next to him. The van accelerated and got in front of Wayne. Two asian men jumped out and threw Wayne in the van. He would spend the next 7yrs in an Asian sweatshop. Hating Asians everyday.
Basketball Wayne

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