Thursday, May 31, 2007

Spitting and why it's effective

Say one time, you were arguing with your woman about how she shouldnt try to deal drugs out of your bathroom. While you are conversing with your bud about the situation, she darts between you and punches you in the jaw as she walks on by. Incensed by the fact that you just got suckerpunched, you weigh your options.

  • Hit her back and risk imprisonment and gain a reputation about "smackin hoes."

  • Yell but, essentially do nothing else.

  • Attempt to jump over your buddy and spit in the face of your attacker.

I chose option C. I believe i came out on top due to the fact that you may not remember why i spit on you but, you'll always remember that it happened.

Spit and anger go together like Nick Nolte and a DUI. It just works. Want the last word and can't think of a good zinger, spit. Spit near them, on them, into them, it doesnt matter. It's better than any slang that ever scooted out of your word hole.

Of course it's also like waving a red hanky in front of a bull. Use your spit wisely, like for girls. so you dont hurt um. cause thats wrong. spitting.

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