Where were all the other kids on Saved by the Bell. I mean you got Zack, Kelly, Slater, Lisa, Jessie and Screech. Where were the stoner kids? Where were the girls that just hated Kelly cause she was dating Zack? I don't exactly get either where Jessie and Screech fit in but, I like where their lives have taken them since SBTB.

Jessie was in the 1st movie that made me want to touch myself before i knew the best ways to do it and the other day I saw my buddy with a t-shirt that had Screech on it wa

nting donations to save his house. Very funny. Oh and what the hell happened to Slater? Back in the day, he was kinda portrayed as the Bayside Badass and now, he's well, not. It hurts me that he has been sissfied to the degree he has. These tears are for you A.C. I dont know what happened to you but, I'm sure those bastards at Valley are laughing it up.
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