Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Rope would be good.

Women carry's a fact. They keep like everything in there man. I've seen even the toughest guys shy away from looking in a girls purse. You never know what you would find. I don't know why they feel the need to carry 1/4 of their personal possesions in a bag slung from their shoulder and i'm not gonna question it. They just fucking do. Which brings me to my point.........

...........what the hell are with man bags.

You know, that almost backpack that hangs on your side insted of like, on your back. What the hell do guys fucking need a sidepack man bag for? I don't ever think i've had the need to carry a bunch of shit around with me just in case i needed it. If i'm planning on carrying something around all day, and it don't fit in my pocket, it isn't fucking coming with me.

I asked someone why do you need a sidepack man bag?

Me: What's with the bag?

Fem Boy: It's got my stuff in it.

Me: Like your lunch or something?

Fem Boy: No. Stuff i need.

Me: Rope?

Fem Boy: No my drawing supplys in case i get inspired.

In summation: Woman carrie purses. Douchebags carry man bags.

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