What if when you were born, you were fully grown and elderly and as you got "older" you actually got younger to the point where you just an egg. I mean think about it, it's logical to a point. Here are some similarities between The El and babies:
No teeth-No hair, or little to none-Diapers-Can't do a lot on their own-Get hurt easily-Some are cute-Some arent
I could go on for a while.
And here's another thing, people have eggs. that's fucking weird.
When i was a kid, i liked to pretend that when i played Mega Man 2, there was some kid in Japan, playing as all the bad guys and trying to stop me. Why Japan? Cause that's where the fucking game came from man. Der.
Saw that movie FaceOff w/Nic Cage and Travolta, wanted to be a priest cause Cage was dressed like one at the beginning and he grabs that like 15 year old GIRLS ass and she was all digging it. ( i was about 16 at the time by the way). Later i realize that priests dont grab girls asses at all. That is disturbing. Church-I fucking hate that place.
After re-reading that last paragraph, that was pretty fucking twisted. What the fuck was wrong with me?
26 letters in the alphabet-how come there are 4 essential B vitamins in my drink. Why did they have to name them all B? If there are 4 different B's why not just leave 1 as B and call the other vitamins something else.
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