I'm gonna let out a secret.
Men can and will fake IT too.
That's right. Now dont get me wrong, we don't do it w/the frequency of some women but, every once and a while, yeah totally faked it.
Problem w/faking it is that it's pretty dangerous territory you know? i mean no guy really asks his girl if she faked it cause it would be a huge blow to your ego if she did frequently and told you about it(i know this because tyler knows this.) Anyway, girls work the same way, just, they dont believe you.
"you can't fake IT, i would have known."
You didnt know, and i did.
"whatever, you're just mad that i faked IT and you're making this up."
Yeah yeah whatever, now, go away, it's Madden time.
And since i'm just randomly babblin away as it is, I had sex while i played Madden one time. That was pretty great. It was win win well, and by that i mean, i won the game and got to have sex all at the same time. I'm sure the girl wasnt all that impressed but, that's not my fault. I could have just faked it.
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