I hate that i pay to see advertising. I pay for the tv to show me 10 minutes of commericals for every 20 mintue show. Now, i know that advertisers pay the stations that i pay my cable company to provide to me so, they can get their product noticed and the station or "network," as they say in the biz, can provide me in turn with quality programming. Follow? No, that's okay cause i dont know if that's how it works anyway but, it seems right.
Here's my point, show me your fucking product, what it does, and how much it is, i'll buy it if i need it or it's supercool.
Car commercials for example, just because your commercial is classy with goofy ballet dancers dressed in like an all silver leotard with those dancer streamers attached to wands blowing in the wind doesnt mean i'm gonna buy your fucking car. In fact, since that commercial will probably get crammed down my throat at least a billquadozen times within the span of a 3 hour football game, i'll grow to hate it and your fucking car. Don't try to entertain me while peddling your product cause frankly, i dont care. No one cares. NO ONE CARES.
Most advertising agencys seem like a fucking cult to me anyway. Who thinks of this fucking garbage? They went to college for it? Really? You're a fucking liar, shut the fuck up.
Ad Exec-Hey, lets get a rapper that not a lot of people know, put him at a desk playing with one of those bally-on-a-string-bounce-into-other-bally things and then show him calling his buddy while drinking a pepsi.
Ad Exec2-Put some funky beats behind it too.
Pepsi Guy- Brilliant!
Ad Exec1- Wait, then we'll take the cans, get this, put some spinner rims on um.
Pepsi Guy-Oh my god!!!! Why didnt we think of this before, we'll sell so much more pepsi. Buy a billion slots on every station so we can let the kids know pepsi is good.
(dramatization but, it probably happened)
I mean come on. Did i buy more Pepsi because of that commercial.....no! I had to go on the fucking internet and find out who the fuck Pharrell was. Then i was like, wow, i no longer care about him and hope he chokes on his pepsi money. That commercial is terrible. Why would that make me want to buy pepsi?!?! Tell me?!?! You know why i'd buy a pepsi, because it's better than nothing. That should be their fucking corporate motto. Imagine this commercial:
Hot day in the hood. Kids playing basketball. Pepsi Machine in the background.
Bball Jones- man, i'm thirsty.
(walking into frame)Samuel L. Jackson: How bout a Pepsi?
Bball Jones- why would i want a pepsi?
Back in the day, they had it right. Want to sell tuna? Get a cartoon fucking mermaid and hawk your fucking tuna. Want to sell vegetables? Get a cartoon jolly green fucking giant and the veggies, they will be bought. Want to sell a car? Show a baby getting circumsized in the back seat while driving down a bumpy road.
Advertising Agencys- I spit on you.
Note- Beer commercials are pretty stellar, cept for the ones with carlos mencia,........................ he's not funny.